(385) 401-4301 info@uarc.io PO Box 3451 Salt Lake City, UT 84110


Lagoon Amusement Park Cited for ‘Critical’ Violation of Federal Animal Welfare Law – UARC Plans Protest & Memorial

Contact: Amy Meyer, amy@utahanimalrights.com 

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has released a scathing animal welfare inspection report against Lagoon, citing the park with a “critical” violation, the most serious level of offense that can be assessed by an inspector. The violation stems from an incident when an elk escaped through a hole in his enclosure and was gored by a bison in an adjacent enclosure. The injuries were so severe that he was euthanized. Utah Animal Rights Coalition (UARC) has submitted FOIA and GRAMA requests with state and federal authorities to learn more about the incident.

“Lagoon has a long history of providing inadequate enclosures for their captive wild animals,” said Amy Meyer, Director of UARC. “It’s past time for Lagoon to stick to what they know best – rides – and allow UARC to help them relocate their wild animals to accredited sanctuaries that have already offered to provide the safety and quality of life these animals deserve.”

UARC has also scheduled an emergency protest outside Lagoon on Sunday, July 22nd at 11 AM, which will be the 5-month anniversary of the elk’s death. Following the demonstration, the protestors will walk to the site of the death and lay flowers in memoriam.